Vattago by Ian Cohen
Citation for Excellence in Playwriting
Citation for Excellence in Playwriting
Pucelandia by Fran Handman
Citation for Excellence in Playwriting
Citation for Excellence in Playwriting
Carol Goldberg and Fran Handman
Pucelandia, formerly the Kingdom of Minnikin, is a family musical about young King Millikin who's evil advisor, Criskin, has manipulated him into banning all the colors but puce, which means that everyone has to wear puce glasses which they can only buy from Criskin who has cornered the market. Anyone who protests is thrown in the dungeon, even, eventually, the King himself. Lucy, an artist friend of King Millikin, outwits Criskin, frees the King and the rainbow and harmony are restored to the Kingdom of Minnikin.
Surf Avenue by Stephen Axelrod
Citation for Excellence in Playwriting
Citation for Excellence in Playwriting
Carol Goldberg and Stephen Axelrod
Surf Avenue is both a delicate comedy and a hard assessment of the tough space between dreams and fruition. The author takes the audience on a peril fraught trip. He revisits the site of an accident that symbolized his troubled past. He finally sees his way toward wholeness. The play is a memoir of a life that moves from confusion to light.